We create the amazing ecosystems required to deliver social and economic growth

We are experienced in business development, real estate development and investment asset management. Years of experience and partnerships with industry, academia and government enable HOP to create the extraordinary ecosystems required to deliver social and economic growth.

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As clusters grow - collaboration opportunities, supply chain interactions and customer relationships grow.

As clusters grow - collaboration opportunities, supply chain interactions and customer relationships grow. This fosters a self-perpetuating virtuous circle of demand for representation and physical accommodation for personnel. 
We design operationally robust and flexible real estate solutions to meet this need. We actively talk about and promote cluster activity and this encourages more people to join our communities.

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Harwell people worked for years to support Gordon Sanghera and his Team at Oxford Nanopore with technology and product development, before HOP also then agreed to design, build and open the Minion Advanced Manufacturing Centre Building.

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The allocation of £180m by HM Treasury to build a major new collections and digitisation centre for the Natural History Museum at Harwell was the result of 18 months of work led by HOP, building more collaborative research interactions between NHM and Harwell Teams and explaining the value add propositions for NHM and UK Plc of a physical co-location.

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We outperform our competitors in terms of rental tone, occupancy levels, occupier retention and “home grown” demand.

We outperform our competitors in terms of rental tone, occupancy levels, occupier retention and “home grown” demand. Our investment portfolio is greatly in demand from the world’s largest investors, as demonstrated by Brookfield Asset Management’s recent acquisition at Harwell. We master plan and deliver attractive working and amenity spaces for the world’s most talented people.

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HOP conceived, designed and speculatively built the award winning “Quad One” offices and labs building. In 2014 the rental tone was in the mid £20s per square foot per annum. The last office suite leased was rented at £40 per square foot per annum, setting a new record for Oxford and Oxfordshire.

The reason that we were able to achieve this rent was that we not only built a great real estate product physically, but we also generated competition for it by growing the clamour to be inside Harwell’s Clusters.



We have blazed a trail in UK and Europe, building Clusters to drive demand.

We have blazed a trail in UK and Europe, building Clusters to drive demand and then carefully managing our occupier groups and their contractual agreements with us, to both support their growth and also increase our and our co-investors’ balance sheets. We focus on each deal with financial sophistication and broader care, to ensure that we secure a mutually profitable outcome for all plus an “additive effect” overall for our broader community of occupiers and partners.

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We operate “swing space” that is often licenced or leased to small, young organisations on rent free and extremely flexible terms. We also regularly re-gear leases, offer investment into small companies to augment their “capital and equity stack” during early years and point them towards investors.

For one larger multinational healthcare organisation, we have torn up and created three new leases for three different premises in under 24 months – to flexibly and helpfully accommodate that company’s rapidly changing and growing needs.


Thrive in Business development, real estate development and investment asset management


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When the Covid 19 Pandemic broke, HOP was already working with the Universities and Industry Consortium of the UK Vaccines Manufacturing & Innovation Centre and we also knew the HM Government Departmental Sponsor, BEIS, plus Department of Health, Cabinet Office etc. In the first fortnight of the pandemic we proposed a major budget increase and the mobilisation of the project early, using National Emergency Powers. The project is now well ahead of programme and the Centre will be capable of full national scale supply of vaccines doses, to fight Covid 19 and other future threats. When you know the right people you can move fast, collectively solve problems and have major positive impact.

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HOP has actively supported the award winning UK SME: Oxford Space Systems - providing accommodation and also business support via shared events, media promotion packages on a complimentary basis, press briefings etc. HOP has also been part of the concierge service via the Harwell Space Cluster that has enabled OSS to formally partner on product development with major multinational members of the Cluster such as Thales Alenia Space and Airbus. “A local hero company going global.”


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We have been coinvested in a partnership with HM Government for over 6 years. We co-developed and committed ourselves to the Vision for Harwell and also the Campus Strategy. Listening to, guiding and being simpatico with Government is something that we have done successfully – largely because we share important values and objectives. These include: sustainable growth, holistic positive effects (i.e. broader socio-economic outcomes not just profit), long term investment horizons, a capacity to compromise and to share control and success. HM Government has committed over £750m more of R&D investment to Harwell because we have jointly succeeded in sponsoring and growing this Triple Helix exemplar.

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It is easier to build powerful clusters around core, rare research infrastructure – e.g. national scale labs. However, having the labs is not enough. The best people need to using the labs and infrastructure, ideally intensively and to address multiple challenges simultaneously. That drives creative problem solving and also secures best value for money from tax payer investment. Open source and open collaboration national laboratories, such as those inside the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories (which HOP has partnered with) operate in just this way. That does not mean that “anyone can get in”. In fact demand from the academic and industry community is so great from UK and all around the World that a “peer group review” access protocol keeps the bar for access especially high. This “peer group” competition actually serves to attract the best people and thereby further accelerates problem solving and the science and innovation process.


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Ernest Rutherford is often quoted as follows: “We haven’t got the money, so we’ll have to think.” This is a consistent refrain of the frustrated research fellow or exciting new tech company. However, worldwide and societally it is now apparent that whilst money is one source of fuel for science and innovation, with talent the other principal one – the World’s overall natural resources are now stretched beyond anything previously witnessed, as a consequence of human population growth and consumption.

Sustainable innovation, production and consumption are essential to balance human and planetary needs. Those teams and communities who innovate sustainably and for a sustainable future will be the ones who secure more trust and investment, deliver more adoptable technologies worldwide and also generate the greatest profits.

HOP already actively supports teams like these.


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Sustainable innovation for a future that is sustainable for humankind and Planet Earth is paramount. The human species has been living permanently in space on board the International Space Station for over 15 years, but this Planet will be our Home for many generations more. Humans are creating techological solutions for the pressures that we are self generating for ourselves and also applying to other species. Global warming and also the increasing prevalence of new human health challenges implies that our technological advances are not keeping pace with demand and need (both our own and the wider Planet’s). The difficult Covid 19 moment will accelerate existing trends and embed structural changes in our societies and economies.

During this Twenty-first Century we will change: our healthcare research and delivery infrastructure, our travel patterns, our working patterns, how we generate and consume energy, likewise food, how we educate our children and also our adult selves during our changing careers, how we creep out into space increasingly regularly and for longer journeys, how we exploit the assets and wonders of space, plus how we care for Planet Earth in the interests of other species and future generations of humans.

Harwell Oxford Partners is interested in all of these things and we will continue to make it our business to support the cleverest, most optimistic, inventive, energetic and hard-working people in the World.